Monday, April 13, 2009

tennis 24/7

It is never too late to be what you might have been.
- George Elliot

Clearly, March was not a month for tennis blogging.

But it was a month for playing tennis. I've been playing more of it, that's for sure, even hitting the 6-hour+ mark during one week. And I'm close to deciding to sign up for USTA Team Tennis with a team that starts practicing at the end of the month.

Even weekends have been about tennis, thanks to a new program by my coach that offers indoor court time from 6 - 8 AM both Saturdays and Sundays for - get this - $20!!

Matches in my current league have been going well. I won last week's match 6-0, 5-0 (ran out of time for the last game), which puts me at 82 - 67 so far for the year.

As for the pro circuit, while I still don't have the coveted Tennis Channel, I do have the Internet (obviously...), so I've been following the latest on

Plus, the weather is getting warmer, which means that the monetary grip that indoor courts have had on me since the fall is slowly getting weaker and weaker.

Goal for end of April - 8+ hours of tennis per week and a serve to make my opponents doubt if I am or have ever been a 3.5-rated player.

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